
Recovering From a Holiday Weekend…#3 is KEY!

Ok, summer is pretty much here and in full swing in Wisconsin. This past weekend was Memorial Day Weekend. First, I would like to take a moment to pause and think about those we have lost in our armed forces. Both my grandfathers served in the military, and put their lives on the line soContinue reading “Recovering From a Holiday Weekend…#3 is KEY!”

10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 6 – I Hate Macro Counting

And the truth is out. Yup, I HATE tracking. But why do I still do it and recommend my clients do it, and how can we find a happy medium between? Today I will share with you some of the personal tricks that I do to keep me on track, without plugging everything into aContinue reading “10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 6 – I Hate Macro Counting”

10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 5

Halfway to summer, and I hope everyone is doing well with making lifetime changes towards a better version of you. At the halfway point, there is always potential for a few hiccups along the way. You may be doing really well with one aspect of your changes, but completely forgetting or ignoring another. What doContinue reading “10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 5”

10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 4

  Plain chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and brown rice…aka ‘The Pro Bodybuilder Diet”. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be this boring and bland. Food is supposed to be enjoyable, pleasurable, and believe it or not, it’s easier to eat when it tastes good. The following blends of herbs, spices, and other flavor boosters will giveContinue reading “10 Weeks Until Summer: Week 4”