
Help! I’m Sick and Want to Stay Fit!

The season always comes and goes. Flu season, cold season, little Jimmy brought home another mysterious bug season… it happens. There is only so much we can do to prevent catching it. You CAN increase your chances of staying healthy by following a few simple, scientifically proven standards: However, even if you claim to haveContinue reading “Help! I’m Sick and Want to Stay Fit!”

Worried About Holiday Eating? Let’s Talk…

Thanksgiving and other holidays are supposed to be happy days, spent with family and or friends, where we come together and ENJOY our favorite holiday foods. It should NOT be a day where we demonize food or feel like we need to EARN food or work off food. Don’t get me started on those postsContinue reading “Worried About Holiday Eating? Let’s Talk…”

Abandon The Current Downward Health Spiral and Take Your Health Back!

What a downer of an intro. But hear me out. America is pushing a 70% overweight/obese population. Childhood obesity is at an all-time high. More people are depressed, anxious, and struggling with mental health issues than ever before. While this is a multi-faced issue, I’m here to address it via exercise and nutrition. Gym memberships,Continue reading “Abandon The Current Downward Health Spiral and Take Your Health Back!”

Your Own Mind is Creating Your Biggest Challenges

Exercise is good for us. Eating healthy is good for us. We all know this. So why do a MAJORITY of Americans continue to struggle with getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet? It’s not a lack of knowledge for most, but a mental block of sorts. Our own walls that we put up.Continue reading “Your Own Mind is Creating Your Biggest Challenges”

5 Nutrition Myths That Won’t Die

Eating _____ will lead to death and cause ______ and you will ______…. Nutrition is a confusing topic, as there is endless info out there, and it can be quite hard to figure out what works and what is fake. The real answer for everything nutrition-related is “it depends” because the context of the personContinue reading “5 Nutrition Myths That Won’t Die”

The Most Overrated “Healthy” Meals, and How to Fix Them.

This might be something you have never heard a dietitian mutter before, but salads aren’t necessarily that good for you. What?!?!? Salads?!? The FIRST thing people gravitate towards when it is time to lose weight? Yes, salads. As soon as someone decides to lose weight they start eating salads. Loaded with healthy veggies, and minimalContinue reading “The Most Overrated “Healthy” Meals, and How to Fix Them.”

Bad Foods Love Good Cheaters

This is a good food. This is a bad food. Who remembers being taught this? Did it stick? Let’s try a game. If I say…”donut” – what did you think of?

Little Hinges Swing Big Doors

At any given time, there are probably millions of people starting a new diet. At any given time, there are millions of people working out hard at home, at a gym, or outside. So why, at any given time, is the average American overweight, and borderline obese?

I’m a Registered Dietitian…and I Don’t Love Vegetables

I Don’t Love Vegetables.  True statement. Sort of. If you offered me a choice between what I would rather have: Meat or Vegetables Starchy carbs or vegetables Fruit or vegetables Dessert or vegetables I would choose option A every time. But – I eat them – and most of the time I do enjoy them,Continue reading “I’m a Registered Dietitian…and I Don’t Love Vegetables”

You Don’t Lose Fat in the Gym

Yep. Here is a trainer, someone who puts food on the table by helping people work out at the gym. Have I lost my mind? What’s more important for fat loss? Nutrition. 100% of the time. It’s not that exercise doesn’t matter at all, but exercise is the simple part. Nutrition is 100% responsible forContinue reading “You Don’t Lose Fat in the Gym”