
How to Avoid Gaining Fat on a Holiday

“What will I do this _______ (insert holiday here) – how will I stay on plan?” I get this question a lot, and I sense the worry of many patriotic Americans this 4th of July, who know it is their civic duty to celebrate our independence by stuffing our faces full of processed meats, thingsContinue reading “How to Avoid Gaining Fat on a Holiday”

Stop Lying to Yourself About Reaching Your Goals

You are holding yourself back. No one else, but you. This is a very hard thing for many people to accept. If you are okay with your current life – not even talking fitness and health here – that is awesome! But if you are not happy, and you continue to not take ownership andContinue reading “Stop Lying to Yourself About Reaching Your Goals”

I’m a Registered Dietitian…and I Don’t Love Vegetables

I Don’t Love Vegetables.  True statement. Sort of. If you offered me a choice between what I would rather have: Meat or Vegetables Starchy carbs or vegetables Fruit or vegetables Dessert or vegetables I would choose option A every time. But – I eat them – and most of the time I do enjoy them,Continue reading “I’m a Registered Dietitian…and I Don’t Love Vegetables”

5 Hacks to Add More Time to Your Day

“If only I had more time…” Here’s the deal – we all have the same 24 hours. Nobody is special and gets more. What you do in that 24 hours is YOUR doing, no one else. Taking responsibility for your own life, decisions and actions is step 0 of this process. Without being in thatContinue reading “5 Hacks to Add More Time to Your Day”

Ladies! Get Your Lift On!

Listen up ladies…it’s time to embrace the heavy weights. Your future self will thank you!

5 Ways To Make Grilling Season Healthy…AND Still Tasty.

Grilling season is upon us here in Wisconsin and you need to be ready to dominate without blowing up your waistline. And no, you don’t need to be bland and boring either. You should know by now that I’m not that guy, I want you to enjoy your food to the fullest, but also notContinue reading “5 Ways To Make Grilling Season Healthy…AND Still Tasty.”

Getting Swole While Fasting, Is It Possible?

Fasting seems to be all the rage these days. Intermittent fasting more specifically. The benefits are touted as being superior to non-fasting protocols, from boosting growth hormone to preventing aging… While these claims are a bit silly, one thing that is for sure is that fasting is nothing new. Fasting has been a worldwide principleContinue reading “Getting Swole While Fasting, Is It Possible?”

5 Keys To Sustainable Fat Loss Results

Losing weight isn’t the hard part. Losing weight and keeping it off is. Maybe you or someone you know lost a ton of weight once, and now they have since gained it back, and then some, and seem to struggle mightily to lose it again. If you know more about this person, think about howContinue reading “5 Keys To Sustainable Fat Loss Results”

What Are Macros Anyways?

My macros are 300 C, 80F, and 215P… If you are totally lost as to what that means, you are not alone! Without any messing around, let’s just dive right in. Macronutrients – or Macros for short – are the energy-containing compounds in our diets that make up the calories (energy) in our diet. WeContinue reading “What Are Macros Anyways?”

Maybe You DON’T Need More Intensity In Your Life?

High-Intensity Training; it’s all the rage. Bootcamps, Crossfit, HIIT Class, Orange Theory, F45, etc. Everyone is promoting HIIT workouts as the holy grail of fitness. Burn more fat in less time, they say. Increase your post-exercise calorie burn significantly they say…