
Time to End the Passive Acceptance of Declining Health

Getting old, weak, and frail. Getting weak and fat. Getting sick more constantly. Getting older and sleeping less. Feeling like trash after eating a huge meal. These seem to be accepted as the “norm” by many, but why? While we cannot stop the clock from aging us in years, we can slow down and evenContinue reading “Time to End the Passive Acceptance of Declining Health”

Your Fad Diet is Invalid

Going on a juice cleanse to reset your metabolism? Going on a ketogenic fast of only eggs, butter, and cheese to break through that stubborn plateau? Ripping shots of Apple Cider Vinegar to boost your metabolism? Here’s the thing, all of these can “work“, but not the way most people think. An ultra low-calorie juiceContinue reading “Your Fad Diet is Invalid”

3 Lies the Fitness Industry Still Tries to Sell You

  Either I’m already getting old and crotchety, or just getting more and more sick of seeing bull crap like this being shoved at people: I have seen too many people be ruined, lied to, and mistreated by the industry that I could write much more than a blog post about it. SO lets diveContinue reading “3 Lies the Fitness Industry Still Tries to Sell You”

5 Simple, Quick Ways to Increase Your Caloric Output

(SKIP TO #5 IF YOU WANT YOUR MIND BLOWN!) It seems like we are usually discussing caloric INPUT, but what about output? If you eat less, and move more – that will increase your caloric deficit for a weight loss goal. Actually, moving more is a great idea even if your goal isn’t weight loss.Continue reading “5 Simple, Quick Ways to Increase Your Caloric Output”

How Many Calories Should You Eat? The Answer May Surprise You…

  This is a question I get asked numerous times throughout the week in some shape or form. 99% of the time I will respond with a question… “How many calories are you currently eating? Per day? On weekends? Per weekly average? AND how is it affecting your desired outcome – whether that be fatContinue reading “How Many Calories Should You Eat? The Answer May Surprise You…”

What Are You Waiting For?

I’m going to start Monday. I’m going to start after vacation. Enough is enough. Why wait? Why leave it up to waiting if it’s something you really care about? Is it because it’s hard? Exercising isn’t hard, and eating like an adult isn’t hard. This is where many people are so terribly wrong it’s insane. InContinue reading “What Are You Waiting For?”

Showing Up Isn’t Half the Battle

  This is often said when people talk about the struggle of going to the gym. I get it, not everyone is as gung-ho about working out as I am. However, if your goals involve seriously transforming your body, improving your health, or getting the most bang for your buck, it takes more than justContinue reading “Showing Up Isn’t Half the Battle”

So…You Already FAILED at Your New Years Resolutions?

If that title resonated with you, then we already know your problem – your mindset. Its only a few weeks into the New Year, no matter what you have or have not done, you definitely haven’t failed. Your mindset is EVERYTHING, and it takes work but you can easily switch it around. Self talk, motivation,Continue reading “So…You Already FAILED at Your New Years Resolutions?”

New Years Resolutions: How To Win

Gonna keep this one short, sweet and to the point. Every year millions of people set New Years resolutions, and fail quickly. “I want to lose weight” “I want to get strong” “I want to eat better” These are great idea, but WAY to simple! Here is how you need to go about setting yourContinue reading “New Years Resolutions: How To Win”

The Acceptance of Declining Health Through Passiveness

Getting old, weak, and frail. Getting weak and fatter. Getting sick constantly. Getting older and sleeping less. These seem to be accepted as the “norm” by many, but why? While we cannot stop the clock from aging us in years, we can slow down and even reverse everything that comes with it. As we age,Continue reading “The Acceptance of Declining Health Through Passiveness”