
Golfers Are Athletes, Too!

  Golfers are Athletes, So Treat Them Like Athletes Okay, maybe not all golfers LOOK like athletes, but you can be sure that the successful ones are doing more than a few cable twists and 12 oz. curls at the 19th hole. Before we start ripping weights off the floor, and throwing medicine balls aroundContinue reading “Golfers Are Athletes, Too!”

Is Your Healthy Diet Obsession Really Hurting You?

The other day I was at the grocery store; I saw a quite thin girl intensely reading a nutrition label on the back of a product. She held it close to her face, scoured the label up and down, made a “yikes” face, and put it back on the shelf. What was she reading? ItContinue reading “Is Your Healthy Diet Obsession Really Hurting You?”

The 38 Week Transformation of a Lifetime!

Over the last 38 weeks one of my clients had some big changes happen in her workouts. She didn’t lose any weight, she GAINED weight, gained inches on her waistline, she decreased her workout volume, she didn’t get her heart rate super jacked up, and she tended to be a little on the slower side sometimes.Continue reading “The 38 Week Transformation of a Lifetime!”

Why Having A Nice Booty Solves All Your Problems

Now that I have your attention, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I think everyone needs to have a nice, strong, butt. Not just because it looks good, but because it can solve so many problems (beyond just being able to fill out your jeans). All immature inappropriate comments aside, having strong glutesContinue reading “Why Having A Nice Booty Solves All Your Problems”

5 Wrongly Categorized Foods and How to Swap Them

  “This is my lunch, isn’t it healthy?”, she says as she sips her coffee drink and chews a plastic looking nutrition bar at 2 in the afternoon. After a few seconds of grinding the high fiber and sugar alcohol bar through her teeth, she mutters out, “I’m just really working hard to lose thisContinue reading “5 Wrongly Categorized Foods and How to Swap Them”

Dinner Tonight? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

“I do great with breakfast and lunch, but dinner’s are tough, especially when all this kids are home.” Heard it a million times… Admit it, you have said this and thought this before. This is such a common theme in my consults and just talking with clients in general. Dinners can be daunting. You haveContinue reading “Dinner Tonight? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!”

If You Are Sitting Right Now, Get Up and Do These

This quick blog post is being sent to you to improve your day. Guaranteed! Yes, you that spends 10+ hours sitting all day. That little tweak in your back, twinge in your hip, can all be improved right now. Get up, and try these three exercises to stretch your hips, get your glutes fired up,Continue reading “If You Are Sitting Right Now, Get Up and Do These”

How to Survive a Long Weekend Food Fest, and Still Enjoy Yourself

Overview: Portions still matter, calories still matter Maintain healthy eating patterns Be active, however you can Return to your routine as soon as the trip is over Enjoy your vacation guilt free Reuben Sandwich with fries, authentic Mexican fajitas + 20 oz. margarita, Denny’s Grand Slam* and Gino’s East – Chicago’s famous deep dish pizza.Continue reading “How to Survive a Long Weekend Food Fest, and Still Enjoy Yourself”